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Searching Mp3 and Download

Senin, 07 September 2009 by noesaja

Searching MP3 files using search engine is no longer a hard thing to do especially when people have found various ways to search for the MP3 files. Why we choose the audio format is also another long topic to speak about, but the main reason is the mass availability of that type of file in the internet nowadays. Now, here are the simple guide on how to search for those music that you like, both in WMA and MP3 format:

You can try this :

1. Using altered Google, Yahoo, and MSN Search search string to find the files. This method will use the search engines to search for unprotected directory of the audio files.
How to: Click on the link below. Change the detail according to your liking (replace Band Singer with the actual artist name or just the song name). You can change the “wma/mp3″ tag to other format such as “ogg” only if you wish. For the search engines, it works similarly. You just need to change the band/singer or song again.
“parent directory” mp3 OR wma OR ogg OR wav Band/Singer -html -htm -download -links
Yahoo Search:
parent directory” AND (Band AND Singer) AND (mp3 OR wma OR ogg) AND NOT(”download”) AND NOT(”links”)
MSN Search:parent directory” AND (Band AND Singer) AND (mp3 OR wma OR ogg) AND NOT(”download”) AND NOT(”links”)

2. You can use multimedia search engines to find the audio files that you need. Several multimedia search engines that I highly recommend .

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